Projects in Strategy development
- Training on RAAKS in Tanzania
- Training on sustainable extension systems in Moldova
- Training ‘Stakeholder participation in Wetland management’
- Training on designing a stakeholder participation strategy
- Training on stakeholder participation in agricultural development
- Training on strategic sector planning in Kosovo
- Training on Interactive Planning in the Netherlands
- Designing a sustainable extension system in South Russia
- Paper on institutional and organisational development
- Key note address National Symposium on the Albanian AKIS
- Interactive Organisation Development of an Albanian NGO
- Creating the Ethiopian Cereal Bank Promotion Platform
- Sub sector analyse on fruit and vegetables of Albanian smallholders
- Public Private Cooperation in fragile states
- Agricultural extension in Northern Albania
- Support to a consultancy unit in an A-TVET in Tanzania
- An innovative seed potato coop in Kyrgzystan
- Creating a private marketing support unit in Albania
- Support to a horticultural cooperative in Albania
- National Union for Horticultural Development of Afghanistan